Friday, November 9, 2007

Motorcycle fatalities decrease in North Dakota

Fewer people are dying from motorcycle accidents in North Dakota And it may be due to an increase in the number of riders taking ABATE American Bikers Aimed Towards education Executive Director Michael Jay says the 33-percent decrease in motorcycle fatalities last year may be due to an increase in safety awareness and an expanding the ABATE program Michael Jay says more drivers and bikers need to continue to share the road and be aware of their surroundings Michael Jay ABATE Executive Director We really concentrated on getting motorists awareness programs out so the general public is more aware of the motorcycles when they are out in full force on the roads Especially in early spring a rash of accidents always seem to happen in the early spring so it s very vital for us to get that message out both to motorists and to motorcycles to tell them about the dangers that are out there With Veterans Day on Sunday and no snow on the ground yetexpect more motorcycles on the road this weekend

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